
| Painting | Drawing | Installation| Performance
Fosforita starts with the intention to be a training, creation and dissemination laboratory for art and culture. The artistic projects are always open to collaborations between neighbours, artists, collectives and the involvement of anyone who wants to build together the collective imaginary.
Fosforita is managed by Eva Zaragozá.
Eva Zaragozá is an artist who loves to paint more than anything in life. Besides painting, she teaches art and organizes cultural events. She graduated in Fine Arts and started a career as a researcher in the arts education field. She is currently doing her PhD in Didactics of Plastic Expression at the School of Fine Arts of the UCM. Her most recent exhibitions are “Estudios histéricos de color en pequeño y gran formato” at Arte Palacio, Zamora (2015); “Paisaje de Pared I” at the art gallery Projection Room – Brussels (2010). She has been awarded in 2006 with a golden medal in the national fellowship competition Pintores pensionados del Palacio de Quintanar, Segovia.
Studio 50 m²
Painting: acrylics, oils, brushes, pallets, different surfaces for painting, tables, chairs, turpentine. Stapler, hammer