We are pleased to share how the launch of our book R.A.R.O. (Rarely Organized Artistic Residencies) went, which took place within the framework of the Gallery Day of the Arts District on Saturday, August 20th at 4:00 pm at Fundación Santander.
The book compiles the experiences of R.A.R.O. Buenos Aires and R.A.R.O. Madrid, from our beginnings in 2014 to the year 2020. Our journey reflects the importance of self-management and the value of collective organization, a management style that proposes a particular way of relating to the world.
We deeply appreciate all the people who have joined us and accompanied us in our process of consolidation as a residency program over this time.
We also want to thank the Mecenazgo law and especially Fundación Santander Río for supporting us in this project.
Infinite gratitude to everyone for making this R.A.R.O. universe possible.
Suddenly everything became R.A.R.O.
by Lina Angel.
R.A.R.O. (Rarely Organized Artistic Residencies) is an international residency program for artists born out of the need to create connections and exchanges. We contemplate artistic production and reflection in relation to synergies and multidisciplinary collaborations. We are a delocalized and self-managed program that operates through a support network formed by local artists willing to host others in their spaces. Our dynamic is primarily itinerant and relational (...).
How does it work?
Multidisciplinarity and itinerancy function as gears in our residency program. Nowadays, artists involve different languages in their works, and the need to integrate other perspectives into their own research becomes increasingly evident. Knowledge and experience become integral, so beyond forming a delocalized residency program that involves local artists in its dynamics, we decided to make this experience itinerant. To participate in our residencies, which typically last between one and three months, artists must submit a project to develop and choose more than two spaces from our list of workshops to carry out their experiences.

For me, R.A.R.O. is a home.
A house that has locations all over the city, all over the globe, in different geographies, languages, accents. The dynamics that are generated with the residents are so intimate that, even though the experience is short-lived, it is profound and full of feelings. 'You know, you have a home in...' the artists tell me when they leave, and now I have friends everywhere: England, Chile, Brazil, Norway, Corrientes, Córdoba... It's proof that the whole world opens up to you when you allow others in, when you enable exchange.
Thanks to R.A.R.O., the life of the workshop becomes collective, artists are no longer alone. We connect through production, thoughts, and techniques, and together we can overcome the fear that comes with facing the challenge of a new project.
I always appreciate when a resident comes and continues to be part of this family to keep adding more and more space to this multicultural house where ideas and fun flourish.
Paloma Violeta
Buenos Aires
Editing and compilation Lina Ángel and Violeta González Santos @fractalsinmyhead @palomavioletaa
Editorial Graphic Design María Neyra @maria.neyra
Cover Design Sebastián Roitter @cheboroitter
Translation Mabel Aguirre @blablablanco
Photographs Camila Gómez Ayerbe and Florencia Nuñez @t.e.r.n.a.r.i.a @camila_goa